Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Build for Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred (Season 6)

Last update: 11/05/2024

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General Notes

General Notes for the Dance of Knives Rogue Build in Vessel of Hatred

Note: This endgame build has been optimized for Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred (Season 6).

Dance of Knives is the new active Rogue skill added in Vessel of Hatred. It's a channeling skill where you can even move while channeling. Since it doesn't cost Energy, you won't have any Resource problems from the start.

This endgame variant of the Dance of Knives build is based on the Key Passive Victimize. It triggers explosions against Vulnerable enemies with Lucky Hits. So, on the one hand, you need a very high Lucky Hit Chance, on the other hand, you need to make all enemies permanently Vulnerable. To do that, you require very good items, otherwise the build won't work.

The build plays Preparation to increase the duration of Dance of Knives and boost your damage with the legendary paragon node No Witnesses. Preparation gets triggered by using the Yom-Rune.

Activating an Imbuement before using Dance of Knives will keep the Imbuement active for the entire duration. In addition, the type of damage dealt by the Victimize explosions depends on the element of your Imbuement. Therefore, you play with a Poison Imbuement in this variant and then trigger Poison explosions.

My Season 6 Rating for this Build
Vs. Monsters
Vs. Bosses
Build vs. Grube

How well does this build perform in the Pit / Infernal Horde?

High Pits are not a problem, as the build does an enormous amount of damage, stuns all enemies and is also very mobile.

Build vs. Bosse

How well does this build perform against bosses?

Once a boss is staggered, it will take enormous damage from your skills in a few seconds. The more Critical Strikes Chance you have, the faster the boss will stagger. If your items are strong enough, you can take down bosses with ease.

Ab wann spielbar?

When is the build playable and which items do I need?

To play this build well, you need well-rolled Fists of Fate, which give you an extremely high Critical Hit Chance. You also require the Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable affix on one of your rings. Without these two mechanics, the build won't work. Otherwise, you need to rack up as much damage as possible against Vulnerable enemies, because the Victimize explosive damage scales with this affix.


Playstyle for the Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Build


As soon as the first enemies are in sight, jump on them with Shadow Step, activate Poison Imbuement, and then use Dance of Knives. As long as more enemies are within range, you won't stop whirling. If you are stunned, use Shadow Step to become Unstoppable.

Dark Shroud should be used regularly to gain damage reduction and movespeed.

You should also use the Smoke Grenade against elite enemies, as it increases your damage. With one of your runewords and aspects you can pull enemies together automatically. This is very important in higher Pits to maximize damage against elite enemies.

You should consume Healing Potions every 10 seconds to gain the damage buff of Unstable Elixirs. All enemies are stunned by Healing Potions, which makes it easier to stagger bosses faster.

Against bosses, be sure to place the Totem from your unique dagger, Umbracrux, so that it is right next to the boss. The best way to do this is to use Smoke Grenades. The main damage occurs as soon as the boss is staggering. Therefore, Caltrops and Smoke Grenade should both be used shortly before.


Skills for the Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Build

Diablo 4 Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Skilltree


Specialization for the Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Build

Icon Preparation


Spend X Energy to reduce your Ultimate Skill's Cooldown by X seconds. Ultimate Skills reset other Cooldowns and grant X% Damage Reduction for X seconds.

The build is centered around Preparation, which allows you to increase the duration of Dance of Knives and increase your damage with the legendary paragon node No Witnesses. Preparation gets triggered by using the Yom-Rune.


Aspects for the Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Build

Icon Aspect of Shared Misery

Aspect of Shared Misery

Utility All Classes

Lucky Hit: When you hit a Crowd Controlled enemy, there is up to a X% chance for that Crowd Control effect to spread to another unaffected enemy.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

Icon Wildbolt Aspect

Wildbolt Aspect

Utility All Classes

Every X seconds, Distant enemies are Pulled In to you and take X% increased damage for X seconds.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

Icon Aspect of Concussive Strikes

Aspect of Concussive Strikes

Utility All Classes

Lucky Hit: Damaging an enemy has up to a X% chance to Daze them for X seconds. You deal X% increased damage to Dazed enemies.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

Icon Frostbitten Aspect

Frostbitten Aspect

Utility Rogue

Enemies hit by your Stun Grenades have a chance equal to your Critical Strike Chance to be Frozen for X seconds. You deal X% increased Critical Strike Damage against Frozen or Stunned enemies.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

Icon Aspect of Noxious Ice

Aspect of Noxious Ice

Utility Rogue

Chilled enemies Poisoned by Poison Imbuement will be further Chilled for X% per second. You deal X% additional Poison damage to Frozen enemies.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

Icon Coldclip Aspect

Coldclip Aspect

Offensive Rogue

Your Basic Skills are always Cold Imbued. You deal X% increased damage to enemies who are Chilled or Frozen.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

Icon Aspect of Elements

Aspect of Elements

Offensive All Classes

Gain X% increased damage to a set of damage types for X seconds. This effect alternates between 2 sets: Fire, Lightning, and Physical. Cold, Poison, and Shadow.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

Icon Aspect of Star Shards

Aspect of Star Shards

Offensive Rogue

Knives from Dance of Knives have a X% chance to shatter into X shards of metal on hit, dealing X% Physical damage. Dance of Knives now spends Combo Points, granting up to X additional Charges that can exceed the Maximum.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

Icon Aspect of Retribution

Aspect of Retribution

Offensive All Classes

Distant enemies have a X% chance to be Stunned for X seconds when they hit you. You deal X% increased damage to Stunned or Knocked Down enemies.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

Items & Affixes

Items & Affixes for the Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Build

General tips about your Gear

  • Armor: You need a maximum of 1,000 armor. Anything above that is useless and has no effect. If you haven't reached your armor cap yet, adjust your equipment, gems and paragon talents accordingly.
  • Resistances: You need at least 70% to all resistances. If you have not yet reached these values, adjust your equipment, gems and paragon talents accordingly.
  • Affixes: Each item type has different properties (affixes) that are useful for this build. Some of these are mandatory, others are optional. Please pay attention to the following symbols:
! = Important Affix
= Masterwork Affix + Greater Affix
Diablo 4 Item Type Helm


  • Life
  • Dexterity
  • Resistances
  • Armor
  • Aspect of Shared Misery
Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Endurance

Defensive All Classes

  • Maximum Life
  • Total Armor
  • Dodge Chance

Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Fortune

Utility All Classes

  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Slow
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Immobilize
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Stun
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Freeze

Diablo 4 Item Type Chest Armor


  • Ranks to Dark Shroud
  • Life
  • Dexterity
  • Armor
  • Resistances
  • Wildbolt Aspect
Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Endurance

Defensive All Classes

  • Maximum Life
  • Total Armor
  • Dodge Chance

Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Fortune

Utility All Classes

  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Slow
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Immobilize
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Stun
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Freeze

Unique Fists of Fate

Fists of Fate

Unique Gloves

Attack Speed

Critical Strike Chance

Lucky Hit Chance

Lucky Hit: Up to a X% Chance to Apply a Random Crowd Control Effect for X Seconds

Your attacks randomly deal X% to X% of their normal damage.

Dropped by

Beast in the Ice


All Classes

Diablo 4 Item Type Pants


  • Life
  • Dexterity
  • Armor
  • Resistances
  • Aspect of Concussive Strikes
Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Endurance

Defensive All Classes

  • Maximum Life
  • Total Armor
  • Dodge Chance

Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Fortune

Utility All Classes

  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Slow
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Immobilize
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Stun
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Freeze

Diablo 4 Item Type Boots


  • Movement Speed
  • Dexterity
  • Life
  • Resistances
  • Frostbitten Aspect
Icon Tempering Manual

Rogue Motion

Mobility Rogue

  • Movement Speed
  • Movement Speed from Blade Shift
  • Movement Speed per Dark Shroud Shadow
  • Shadow Step Duration
  • Ranks to Stutter Step

Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Fortune

Utility All Classes

  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Slow
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Immobilize
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Stun
  • Lucky Hit: Chance to Freeze

Freezing is even more important for Frosty Finesse.

Diablo 4 Item Type Amulet


  • Ranks to Malice
  • Dexterity
  • Ranks to Frigid Finesse
  • Ranks to Exploit
  • Ranks to Unstable Elixirs
  • Critical Strike Chance
  • Aspect of Noxious Ice
Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Endurance

Defensive All Classes

  • Maximum Life
  • Total Armor
  • Dodge Chance

When you're using mythics, you will need the additional armor.

Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Finesse

Offensive All Classes

  • Critical Strike Damage
  • Vulnerable Damage
  • Overpower Damage

Diablo 4 Item Type Ring


  • Chance to Make Enemies Vulnerable (1x)
  • Vulnerable Damage
  • Critical Strike Chance
  • Lucky Hit Chance
  • Dexterity
  • Coldclip Aspect
  • Aspect of Elements
Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Finesse

Offensive All Classes

  • Critical Strike Damage
  • Vulnerable Damage
  • Overpower Damage

Icon Tempering Manual

Imbuement Abundance

Resource Rogue

  • Shadow Imbue Lasts For +X Casts
  • Poison Imbue Lasts For +X Casts
  • Cold Imbue Lasts For +X Casts

Diablo 4 Item Type Dagger


  • Dexterity
  • Life
  • Vulnerable Damage
  • Aspect of Star Shards
Icon Tempering Manual

Agile Augments

Weapons Rogue

  • Chance for Flurry to Deal Double Damage
  • Chance for Dance of Knives to Deal Double Damage
  • Chance for Dash to Deal Double Damage

Dance of Knives damage doesn't matter, but there is no other choice.

Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Finesse

Offensive All Classes

  • Critical Strike Damage
  • Vulnerable Damage
  • Overpower Damage

Unique The Umbracrux

The Umbracrux

Unique Dagger



Vulnerable Damage

Subterfuge Cooldown Reduction

Ranks to Innervation

Your Subterfuge Skills create an attackable Shade Totem for X seconds. Any damage it takes is replicated onto surrounding enemies at X% effectiveness. You may only have 1 Shade Totem active at a time. This damage counts as a Trap skill.

Dropped by

Infernal Horde



Diablo 4 Item Type Crossbow


  • Dexterity
  • Life
  • Vulnerable Damage
  • Aspect of Retribution
Icon Tempering Manual

Agile Augments

Weapons Rogue

  • Chance for Flurry to Deal Double Damage
  • Chance for Dance of Knives to Deal Double Damage
  • Chance for Dash to Deal Double Damage

Dance of Knives damage doesn't matter, but there is no other choice.

Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Finesse

Offensive All Classes

  • Critical Strike Damage
  • Vulnerable Damage
  • Overpower Damage

Unique Heir of Perdition

Heir of Perdition

Mythic Unique Helm

+200% Damage to Angels and Demons

+20% Critical Strike Chance

+20% Lucky Hit Chance

+20% Movement Speed

+2 Ranks to Core Skills

Succumb to hatred and earn Mother’s Favor, increasing your damage dealt by 60%(x). Briefly steal Mother’s Favor from Nearby allies by slaughtering enemies.

Dropped by

Duriel, Andariel, Tormented Bosses


All Classes

Unique Shroud of False Death

Shroud of False Death

Mythic Unique Chest Armor

+1 Ranks to All Passives

+160 All Stats

+800 Maximum Life

+333% Damage on Next Attack After Entering Stealth

11.1% Resource Generation

If you haven't attacked in the last 2 seconds, gain Stealth and 40%(+) Movement Speed.

Dropped by

Duriel, Andariel, Tormented Bosses


All Classes


Runewords for the Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Build

Note: If you are missing the required Runes, you can use Gemstones in the meantime.

1st Runeword (Chest Armor)

Icon Diablo 4 Rune Noc


Rare Rune of Ritual

Gain: 10 Offering

Inflict a Crowd Control that isn't Slow or Chill.

Icon Diablo 4 Rune Kry


Rare Rune of Invocation

Required: 300 Offering

Cooldown: 3 Seconds

Evoke the Spiritborn's Vortex, dealing damage and Pulling In enemies.

2nd Runeword (Pants)

Icon Diablo 4 Rune Bac


Legendary Rune of Ritual

Gain: 10 Offering

Travel X meters.

Icon Diablo 4 Rune Yom


Legendary Rune of Invocation

Required: 500 Offering

Cooldown: 5 Seconds

Evoke the Druid's Petrify, Stunning enemies and gain Resource.


Gemstones for the Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Build

Icon Sapphire


Weapons: Vulnerable Damage

Armor: Willpower

Jewelry: Cold Resistance

Icon Diamond


Weapons: Ultimate Damage

Armor: All Stats

Jewelry: Resistance to All Elements

You need 2 diamonds to reach the maximum bonus from the legendary paragon node No Witnesses.

Icon Emerald


Weapons: Critical Strike Damage

Armor: Dexterity

Jewelry: Poison Resistance

Icon Edelsteine


Depending on your needs, you can increase resistances with diamonds, rubies, topaz, amethysts, emeralds or sapphires. Your resistances should be at least 70% with level 100.

Paragon Board

Paragon Board for the Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Build

Important notice:

  • Glyph Radius: To increase the radius of your Glyphs, you have to level them in the Pit. The starting radius is 3 boxes. At level 15, it increases to 4 boxes. At level 45, the radius is 5 boxes.
  • Skill Order: Start with the ESSENTIAL LAYOUT and rebuild it COMPLETELY to quickly access all the important Nodes and Glyphs. Only then switch to the FINAL LAYOUT and add the missing Nodes.

Board 1

Board 1 Glyphe Icon Control Control




Diablo 4 Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Paragon V1-1
2 3 4 1 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Control"

Class: Sorcerer

For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal X% increased damage to Crowd Controlled targets.

Additional Bonus: You deal X% increased damage to Slowed or Chilled enemies or, instead, X% increased damage to Stunned or Frozen enemies.

Legendary Bonus: Increase damage to Crowd Controlled targets by X%.

Board 2: Eldritch Bounty

Board 2: Eldritch Bounty Glyphe Icon Canny Canny




Diablo 4 Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Paragon V1-2
2 3 4 1 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Eldritch Bounty"

When you attack with an Imbued Skill you gain X% Maximum Resistance and X% increased damage for that Imbuement’s element for X seconds.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Canny"

Class: Rogue, Spiritborn

For every 5 Intelligence purchased within range, you deal X% increased Non-physical damage.

Additional Bonus: Non-Physical damage increases all the Non-Physical damage an enemy takes from you by X%, up to X%, for X seconds.

Legendary Bonus: Increase Non-Physical damage by X%.

Board 3: Cheap Shot

Board 3: Cheap Shot Glyphe Icon Exploit Exploit




Diablo 4 Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Paragon V1-3
2 3 4 1 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Cheap Shot"

You deal X% increased damage for each Nearby enemy that is Crowd Controlled, up to X%. A Nearby Staggered Boss provides the maximum bonus.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Exploit"

Class: Rogue, Spiritborn

For every 5 Strength purchased within range, you deal X% increased damage to Vulnerable targets.

Additional Bonus: When an enemy is damaged by you, they become Vulnerable for X seconds. This cannot happen more than once every X seconds per enemy.

Legendary Bonus: Increase damage to Vulnerable targets by X%.

Board 4: No Witnesses

Board 4: No Witnesses Glyphe Icon Diminish Diminish




Diablo 4 Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Paragon V1-4
2 3 4 1 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "No Witnesses"

Your Ultimate Skills gain an additional X% damage from your Damage with Ultimate bonus and grant this bonus to all Skills for 10 seconds when cast.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Diminish"

Class: Rogue

Grants X% bonus to all Rare nodes within range.

Additional Bonus: You take X% reduced Physical damage from Vulnerable enemies.

Legendary Bonus: Increase damage to Vulnerable targets by X%.

Board 5: Exploit Weakness

Board 5: Exploit Weakness Glyphe Icon Fluidity Fluidity




Diablo 4 Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Paragon V1-5
2 3 4 1 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Exploit Weakness"

Lucky Hit: Hitting a Vulnerable enemy has up to a X% chance to increase your damage by X% for X seconds, up to X%. At X stacks, this bonus remains for X seconds before expiring.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Fluidity"

Class: Rogue

Grants X% bonus to all Magic nodes within range.

Additional Bonus: When you cast an Agility Skill, you deal X% increased damage and gain X% increased Energy Regeneration for X seconds.

Legendary Bonus: Increase damage by X%.

Board 1

Board 1 Glyphe Icon Control Control




Diablo 4 Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Paragon V2-1
2 3 4 1 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Control"

Class: Sorcerer

For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal X% increased damage to Crowd Controlled targets.

Additional Bonus: You deal X% increased damage to Slowed or Chilled enemies or, instead, X% increased damage to Stunned or Frozen enemies.

Legendary Bonus: Increase damage to Crowd Controlled targets by X%.

Board 2: Eldritch Bounty

Board 2: Eldritch Bounty Glyphe Icon Canny Canny




Diablo 4 Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Paragon V2-2
2 3 4 1 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Eldritch Bounty"

When you attack with an Imbued Skill you gain X% Maximum Resistance and X% increased damage for that Imbuement’s element for X seconds.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Canny"

Class: Rogue, Spiritborn

For every 5 Intelligence purchased within range, you deal X% increased Non-physical damage.

Additional Bonus: Non-Physical damage increases all the Non-Physical damage an enemy takes from you by X%, up to X%, for X seconds.

Legendary Bonus: Increase Non-Physical damage by X%.

Board 3: Cheap Shot

Board 3: Cheap Shot Glyphe Icon Exploit Exploit




Diablo 4 Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Paragon V2-3
2 3 4 1 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Cheap Shot"

You deal X% increased damage for each Nearby enemy that is Crowd Controlled, up to X%. A Nearby Staggered Boss provides the maximum bonus.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Exploit"

Class: Rogue, Spiritborn

For every 5 Strength purchased within range, you deal X% increased damage to Vulnerable targets.

Additional Bonus: When an enemy is damaged by you, they become Vulnerable for X seconds. This cannot happen more than once every X seconds per enemy.

Legendary Bonus: Increase damage to Vulnerable targets by X%.

Board 4: No Witnesses

Board 4: No Witnesses Glyphe Icon Diminish Diminish




Diablo 4 Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Paragon V2-4
2 3 4 1 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "No Witnesses"

Your Ultimate Skills gain an additional X% damage from your Damage with Ultimate bonus and grant this bonus to all Skills for 10 seconds when cast.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Diminish"

Class: Rogue

Grants X% bonus to all Rare nodes within range.

Additional Bonus: You take X% reduced Physical damage from Vulnerable enemies.

Legendary Bonus: Increase damage to Vulnerable targets by X%.

Board 5: Exploit Weakness

Board 5: Exploit Weakness Glyphe Icon Fluidity Fluidity




Diablo 4 Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Paragon V2-5
2 3 4 1 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Exploit Weakness"

Lucky Hit: Hitting a Vulnerable enemy has up to a X% chance to increase your damage by X% for X seconds, up to X%. At X stacks, this bonus remains for X seconds before expiring.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Fluidity"

Class: Rogue

Grants X% bonus to all Magic nodes within range.

Additional Bonus: When you cast an Agility Skill, you deal X% increased damage and gain X% increased Energy Regeneration for X seconds.

Legendary Bonus: Increase damage by X%.


Mercenaries for the Dance of Knives Rogue Endgame Build


Skilltree Raheir
Icon Valiance


When you would be damaged for at least X of your current Life at once, Raheir comes to your aid to negate the damage, Knock Down Close enemies for X seconds, and grant you Unstoppable for X seconds.

Icon Shield Charge

Shield Charge

Raheir rushes forward aggressively, dealing X% Physical damage and Taunting nearby enemies for X seconds. Selecting a Mercenary Core Skill alters their wielded Weapon and Basic Attack.
Weapon: Tower Shield
Basic Attack: Shield Bash
Raheir bashes enemies with a tower shield, dealing X% Physical damage and Fortifying you for X% of your Maximum Life.

Icon Raheir's Guard

Raheir's Guard

Raheir grants you X% Armor.

Icon Vanguard


Raheir Slows surrounding enemies by X%.

Icon Ground Slam

Ground Slam

Raheir brutalizes the ground, dealing X% Physical damage and Slowing enemies by X% for X seconds. Targets in the center of the slam are Slowed by X% instead.

Icon Raheir's Aegis

Raheir's Aegis

Raheir grants you X% Resistance to All Elements.

Icon Draw Fire

Draw Fire

When you use a Healing Potion, Raheir Taunts enemies around him for X seconds. Can only occur once every X seconds.

Icon Provoke


Raheir Taunts enemies around you for X seconds. You gain X% Damage Reduction for each target, up to X%.

Icon Mocking Lure

Mocking Lure

You deal X% increased damage to enemies Taunted by Raheir.

Icon Iron Wolf's Ward

Iron Wolf's Ward

When Raheir's Valiance is triggered, he Knocks Back Close enemies and Taunts Distant enemies for X seconds. Raheir's Valiance Cooldown is reduced by X%.

Icon Crater


Raheir strikes the ground 3 times, each burst dealing X% Physical damage and Pulling In enemies. The final burst additionally deals X Physical damage and Stuns enemies for X seconds.

Icon Iron Wolf's Call

Iron Wolf's Call

When Raheir's Valiance is triggered, your next X Core Skills within X seconds deal X% increased damage and cost no Resource. Raheir's Valiance Cooldown is reduced by X%.

Icon Sundering Shield

Sundering Shield

Raheir's final Crater burst inflicts Vulnerable on enemies for X seconds.

Icon Bastion


Raheir takes a protective position for X seconds, redirecting X% of the damage that would be dealt to surrounding allies to himself for X seconds. Bastion's initial cast also grants surrounding allies Unstoppable for X second.

Icon Inspiration


Enemies affected by Raheir's Ground Slam take X% increased damage. Allies affected by Raheir's Bastion deal X% increased damage.

Icon Iron Wolf's Virtue

Iron Wolf's Virtue

When Raheir's Valiance is triggered, he Heals you for X% of your Maximum Life. Raheir's Valiance Cooldown is reduced by X%.

Icon Shield Throw

Shield Throw

Raheir throws his shield, dealing X% Physical damage and Taunting enemies for X seconds. The shield bounces up to X times and cannot bounce to the same target twice.

Icon Iron Wolf's Arrival

Iron Wolf's Arrival

When Raheir's Valiance is triggered, he also casts Ground Slam and Shield Throw. Raheir's Valiance's Cooldown is reduced by X%.

Icon Consecrated Shield

Consecrated Shield

Raheir's Shield Throw Consecrates enemies for X seconds. Directly damaging a Consecrated enemy Heals you for X% of your Maximum Life, once per target.


Mercenary Reinforcement



Mercenary Trigger


Smore Grenade



  • 10/24/24 – Changed armor and updated aspects, skills, runewords
  • 10/23/24 – Switch to Preparation: Aspect, Paragon, Runewords
  • 10/08/24 – Updated for Vessel of Hatred (Season 6)