Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Build for Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred

Last update: 10/24/2024

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General Notes

General Notes for the Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Build in Vessel of Hatred

Note: This endgame build has been optimized for Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred (Season 6).

Quill Volley is a core skill of the Spiritborn that throws eight feathers in a fan shape to pierce enemies. If you are within melee range of the enemies, all eight feathers can also hit the same enemy. The rebounding aspect will cause all the feathers to fly back to you.

This build is based on the Rod of Kepeleke unique staff, with which Quill Volley also becomes a Basic Skill and causes a guaranteed critical hit with enormous damage at maximum Vigor. However, all of your Vigor is used up in the process. In the finished version of the build, your Vigor will be completely replenished with each attack, so that you permanently benefit from the critical bonus damage. This is made possible by the unique Ring of the Midnight Sun in combination with resource generation through Tempering and certain skills.

The Quill Volley Spiritborn is one of the most effective farm builds in Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred due to its high mobility and has a enormous fun factor. It is also capable of farming Torment level 4 without any Mythic Uniques.

My Season 6 Rating for this Build
Vs. Monsters
Vs. Bosses
Build vs. Grube

How well does this build perform in the Pit / Infernal Horde?

High Pits are absolutely no problem, as the build does an enormous amount of damage and is also very mobile. The main problem is its low robustness to avoid dying in one hit. Items that give you a lot of life are therefore very important.

Build vs. Bosse

How well does this build perform against bosses?

As long as you are directly in front of the bosses, they will be hit by all eight feathers of your Quill Volley at the same time. Tormented Bosses and Lilith are therefore no problem for this build as long as you are robust enough.

Ab wann spielbar?

When is the build playable and which items do I need?

This endgame variant can only be played with the unique Rod of Kepeleke and the unique Ring of the Midnight Sun.

Please note: There is also a Quill Volley Leveling Build on Vitablo.com, which you can play from level 1. Check it out!


Playstyle for the Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Build


Playstyle and skill rotation against monsters

You use Soar to move around quickly. Before the first group of enemies, you use Ravager to increase your Vigor generation and so that your Quill Volley automatically jumps to enemies. If you kill monsters quickly enough, Ravager should be permanently active, otherwise you will have to cast it again from time to time.

You should use your Ultimate Skill Hunter as often as possible, because it makes you Unstoppable and increases your ferocity and damage.

Armored Hide gives you Resolve stacks for damage reduction and additional damage due to your Colossal glyph.

Vortex will get triggered by a runeword and profit from your skill points, even if you are not using it in your action bar. It will pull in enemies and knock them down, so you will deal increased damage. After enemies are pulled in by Vortex, you can use Scourge to increase your damage against enemies with crowd control effects.

IMPORTANT: When your items and glyphs are strong enough and you reach 250 maximum resource, you should use the Elixir Of Resourcefulness to reach 275. This way you will overpower with every single hit if you're using the unique amulet Banished Lords Talisman. But the build is still playable even if you don't reach 275 vigor! Currently there is a bug, which causes you to overpower with every hit even if you only have 240 resources, but it might get fixed. Until then you can also use the Elixir of Fortitude for additional life.

This is how you achieve 275 vigor:

  • Option 1: Kepeleke greater affix resource 12/12 masterworked with 1 crit on resource, glyph Menagerist Level 96 and elixir
  • Option 2: Kepeleke greater affix resource 12/12 masterworked with 2 crits on resource, glyph Menagerist Level 76 and elixir

Playstyle and skill rotation against bosses

The skill rotation for bosses is similar, with just one difference: since you don't kill monsters, Ravager is not permanently active and must be must be used by yourself as often as possible. The cooldown will reset because of your key passive as long as you keep using Quill Volley. Without Ravager you won't trigger the Rod of Kepeleke with every hit and your damage will decrease drastically.

Only then can you fully replenish your Vigor with every attack.

How to fix Resource problems

With the Rod of Kepeleke Unique Quarterstaff, you basically have no resource problems, as Quill Volley only consumes Vigor when it is at maximum. Otherwise, it does not cost any Vigor.

The build is all about having full Vigor as quickly as possible to get the bonus damage from the Rod of Kepeleke.

You can achieve this with a high-rolled Ring of the Midnight Sun and resource generation from Tempering Manuals, skills and Paragon Nodes. Ideally, you will have full Vigor after every attack.


Skills for the Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Build

Diablo 4 Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Skilltree

Skilltree notes:

  • Reinforced Counterattack is also triggered by the Ring of the Midnight Sun if you do not add it to your skill bar as an active skill.
  • Vortex will get triggered by a runeword and profit from your skill points, even if you are not using it in your action bar

Spirit Hall

Spirit Hall for the Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Build

Icon Primary Spirit Hall: Jaguar

Primary Spirit Hall: Jaguar

Every X. time you deal direct damage to an enemy with a Jaguar Skill, unleash additional slashes dealing X% of the damage dealt in the last X seconds.
All Skills are now also Jaguar Skills.

Icon Secondary Spirit Hall: Gorilla

Secondary Spirit Hall: Gorilla

Maximum Resolve increased by X. When you have at least X stacks of Resolve, you are Unstoppable.

Note: You need three different Spirits for the Unique Helmet Harmony of Ebeweka.


Aspects for the Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Build

Icon Duelist's Aspect

Duelist's Aspect

Utility Spiritborn

Maximum Ferocity increased by X.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

Icon Rebounding Aspect

Rebounding Aspect

Offensive Spiritborn

Quill Volley's feathers explode at their apex and return to where they were cast, dealing X% of their normal damage both times.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

Icon Aspect of Disobedience

Aspect of Disobedience

Defensive All Classes

You gain X% increased Armor for X seconds when you deal any form of damage, stacking up to X%.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

Only in combination with the Aspect of Unyielding Hits, otherwise use the Aspect of Might.

Icon Aspect of Unyielding Hits

Aspect of Unyielding Hits

Offensive Spiritborn

Casting a Gorilla Skill adds X% of your Armor to all attacks for X seconds (capped at 1,500 weapon damage).

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

This aspect is only worthwhile in the endgame with a good roll and over 3,000 armor (buffed). Otherwise, the Aspect of the Moonrise is preferred.

Icon Aspect of the Moonrise

Aspect of the Moonrise

Offensive All Classes

Damaging an enemy with a Basic Skill grants you X% Attack Speed for X seconds, stacking up to X times. Upon reaching maximum stacks, you enter a Vampiric Bloodrage, gaining X% Basic Skill damage and X% Movement Speed for X seconds.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

When you don't have enough armor for the aspect of unyielding hits (below 3000).

Icon Aspect of Might

Aspect of Might

Defensive All Classes

Basic Skills grant X% Damage Reduction for X seconds.

Imprint on: 1H Weapon 2H Weapon (+100%) Offhand Gloves Helm Chest Armor Pants Boots Rings Amulet (+50%)

If you're not using the aspect of unyielding hits.

Items & Affixes

Items & Affixes for the Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Build

Note: With the Aspect of Unyielding Hits, the 1,000 armor limit no longer matters. The more armor you get, the higher your weapon damage becomes.

Unique Harmony of Ebewaka

Harmony of Ebewaka

Unique Helm

All Stats

Movement Speed

Damage Reduction

Ranks to Velocity

According to your secondary Spirit Hall choice, your Skills are all additionally Jaguar, Eagle, Gorilla or Centipede Skills. Your Skills deal X% increased damage per Spirit type they have.

Dropped by

Beast in the Ice



Diablo 4 Item Type Chest Armor

Chest Armor

  • Armor
  • Maximum Life
  • Dexterity
  • Duelist's Aspect
Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Endurance

Defensive All Classes

  • Maximum Life
  • Total Armor
  • Dodge Chance

Icon Tempering Manual

Eagle Innovation

Utility Spiritborn

  • Thunderspike Size
  • Vortex Size
  • Soar Size

Maximum 100% in total.

Diablo 4 Item Type Gloves


  • Ranks to Quill Volley / Core Skills
  • Armor
  • Dexterity
  • Attack Speed
  • Maximum Life
  • Rebounding Aspect
Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Finesse

Offensive All Classes

  • Critical Strike Damage
  • Vulnerable Damage
  • Overpower Damage

Icon Tempering Manual

Eagle Innovation

Utility Spiritborn

  • Thunderspike Size
  • Vortex Size
  • Soar Size

Maximum 100% in total.

Diablo 4 Item-Typ Beinschutz


  • Armor
  • Life
  • Ranks to Basic Skills
  • Dexterity
  • Aspect of Disobedience
Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Endurance

Defensive All Classes

  • Maximum Life
  • Total Armor
  • Dodge Chance

Icon Tempering Manual

Natural Schemes

Utility All Classes

  • Thorns
  • Crowd Control Duration
  • Barrier Generation

Unique Yen's Blessing

Yen's Blessing

Unique Boots

Maximum Evade Charges

All Stats

Movement Speed

Resistance to All Elements

Resource Generation

Casting a Skill has a X% chance to cast a Non-Mobility, Non-Ultimate Skill that is currently on Cooldown. Can only occur once every X seconds.

Dropped by

Lord Zir


All Classes

Unique Banished Lord's Talisman

Banished Lord's Talisman

Unique Amulet

Resistance to All Elements

Maximum Life

Attack Speed

Overpower Damage

Ranks to Core Skills

After you spend X of your Primary Resource, your next Core Skill is guaranteed to Overpower. Your Critical Strikes that Overpower deal X% increased damage.

Dropped by

Duriel, Andariel


All Classes

Diablo 4 Item Type Ring


  • Attack Speed
  • Maximum Life
  • Dexterity
  • Aspect of Unyielding Hits
Icon Tempering Manual

Worldly Finesse

Offensive All Classes

  • Critical Strike Damage
  • Vulnerable Damage
  • Overpower Damage

Icon Tempering Manual

Jaguar Efficiency

Resource Spiritborn

  • Thrash Resource Generation
  • The Hunter Cooldown Reduction
  • Incarnate Cooldown Reduction
  • Counterattack Charges

If you are not getting full resources with every hit, you can temper resource generation instead.

Unique Ring of the Midnight Sun

Ring of the Midnight Sun

Unique Ring

Fire Resistance

Lightning Resistance


Critical Strike Damage

Cooldown Reduction

Ranks to Mirage

When you Critically Strik, you regain X% of the Vigor you've spent in the last X seconds. Gain Counterattack's Passive Effect.

Dropped by




Unique Rod of Kepeleke

Rod of Kepeleke

Unique Quarterstaff

Block Chance

Maximum Vigor

Critical Strike Damage

Chance for Core Skills to Hit Twice

Ranks to Velocity

Your Core Skills are now additionally Basic Skills, free to cast, but deal up to X% reduced damage based on their Vigor Cost. When cast at Maximum Vigor, your Core Skills consume all Vigor to return to full damage, cast at their largest Size, and become guaranteed Critical Strikes, with X% increased Critical Strike Damage for each point of Vigor spent this way.

Dropped by

Duriel, Andariel



Unique Shroud of False Death

Shroud of False Death

Mythic Unique Chest Armor

+1 Ranks to All Passives

+160 All Stats

+800 Maximum Life

+333% Damage on Next Attack After Entering Stealth

11.1% Resource Generation

If you haven't attacked in the last 2 seconds, gain Stealth and 40%(+) Movement Speed.

Dropped by

Duriel, Andariel, Tormented Bosses


All Classes


Runewords for the Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Build

Note: If you are missing the required Runes, you can use Gemstones in the meantime.

1st Runeword (Chest Armor)

Icon Diablo 4 Rune Xol


Legendary Rune of Ritual

Gain: 150 Offering

Evoke power from another Class.

Icon Diablo 4 Rune Kry


Rare Rune of Invocation

Required: 300 Offering

Cooldown: 3 Seconds

Evoke the Spiritborn's Vortex, dealing damage and Pulling In enemies.

2nd Runeword (2H Weapon)

Icon Diablo 4 Rune Poc


Rare Rune of Ritual

Gain: 5 Offering

Spend X% of your Maximum Resource.

Icon Diablo 4 Rune Que


Rare Rune of Invocation

Required: 300 Offering

Cooldown: 1 Second

Evoke the Druid's Earthen Bulwark, granting yourself a Barrier. (Overflow: Increased Duration)

Notes: The 1st Runeword is triggered by the Earthen Bulwark created by the 2nd Runeword. If you don't have a Xol Rune yet, you can use Tam instead. Also, for very high Pits (120+) you can also use the Xal rune instead of Kry for 20% more life. From then on, you have to use Vortex manually and put it to your action bar instead of Soar. You move the two skill points into Diminishment.


Gemstones for the Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Build

Icon Emerald


Weapons: Critical Strike Damage

Armor: Dexterity

Jewelry: Poison Resistance

As long as you don't have any Runewords.

Icon Amethyst


Weapons: Damage Over Time

Armor: Barrier Generation

Jewelry: Shadow Resistance

Icon Skull


Weapons: Life On Kill

Armor: Healing Received

Jewelry: Armor

Paragon Board

Paragon Board for the Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Build

Important notice:

  • Glyph Radius: To increase the radius of your Glyphs, you have to level them in the Pit. The starting radius is 3 boxes. At level 15, it increases to 4 boxes. At level 45, the radius is 5 boxes.
  • Skill Order: Start with the ESSENTIAL LAYOUT and rebuild it COMPLETELY to quickly access all the important Nodes and Glyphs. Only then switch to the FINAL LAYOUT and add the missing Nodes.

Board 1

Board 1 Glyphe Icon Colossal Colossal




Diablo 4 Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Paragon V1-1
2 3 1 4 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Colossal"

Class: Spiritborn

For every 5 Strength purchased within range, you deal X% increased damage with Gorilla Skills.

Additional Bonus: You deal X% increased damage for each stack of Resolve you have.

Legendary Bonus: You deal X% increased damage to Close enemies.

Board 2: Viscous Shield

Board 2: Viscous Shield Glyphe Icon Talon Talon




Diablo 4 Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Paragon V1-2
2 3 1 4 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Viscous Shield"

You do X% increased damage for each X% of your Maximum Life you have as a Barrier.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Talon"

Class: Spiritborn

For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal X% increased Damage with Eagle skills.

Additional Bonus: Your Eagle skills deal X% increased Critical Strike damage.

Legendary Bonus: Increase Lightning damage by X%.

Board 3: Revealing

Board 3: Revealing Glyphe Icon Canny Canny




Diablo 4 Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Paragon V1-3
2 3 1 4 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Revealing"

Lucky Hit: Up to a X% chance to Knock Down Vulnerable enemies. You deal X% increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Canny"

Class: Rogue, Spiritborn

For every 5 Intelligence purchased within range, you deal X% increased Non-physical damage.

Additional Bonus: Non-Physical damage increases all the Non-Physical damage an enemy takes from you by X%, up to X%, for X seconds.

Legendary Bonus: Increase Non-Physical damage by X%.

Board 4: Sapping

Board 4: Sapping Glyphe Icon Menagerist Menagerist




Diablo 4 Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Paragon V1-4
2 3 1 4 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Sapping"

When you cast 3 Gorilla, Jaguar, Eagle, or Centipede skills with the same spirit in a row, restore X% of your Vigor and deal X% increased damage for X seconds.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Menagerist"

Class: Spiritborn

Grants X% bonus to all Magic nodes within range.

Additional Bonus: Dealing damage with your Gorilla, Jaguar, Eagle, or Centipede skills increases all damage you deal by X% for X seconds, stacking once per spirit.

Legendary Bonus: Increase Incarnate skills damage by X%.

Board 5: Convergence

Board 5: Convergence Glyphe Icon Spirit Spirit




Diablo 4 Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Paragon V1-5
2 3 1 4 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Convergence"

You deal bonus damage equal to X% of your 2 highest bonuses to damage types combined, up to X% total.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Spirit"

Class: Spiritborn

For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal X% increased Critical Strike Damage.

Additional Bonus: Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes increase the damage an enemy takes from you by X% for X seconds, up to X%.

Legendary Bonus: Increase damage to Elites by X%.

Board 1

Board 1 Glyphe Icon Colossal Colossal




Diablo 4 Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Paragon V2-1
2 3 1 4 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Colossal"

Class: Spiritborn

For every 5 Strength purchased within range, you deal X% increased damage with Gorilla Skills.

Additional Bonus: You deal X% increased damage for each stack of Resolve you have.

Legendary Bonus: You deal X% increased damage to Close enemies.

Board 2: Viscous Shield

Board 2: Viscous Shield Glyphe Icon Talon Talon




Diablo 4 Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Paragon V2-2
2 3 1 4 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Viscous Shield"

You do X% increased damage for each X% of your Maximum Life you have as a Barrier.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Talon"

Class: Spiritborn

For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal X% increased Damage with Eagle skills.

Additional Bonus: Your Eagle skills deal X% increased Critical Strike damage.

Legendary Bonus: Increase Lightning damage by X%.

Board 3: Revealing

Board 3: Revealing Glyphe Icon Canny Canny




Diablo 4 Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Paragon V2-3
2 3 1 4 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Revealing"

Lucky Hit: Up to a X% chance to Knock Down Vulnerable enemies. You deal X% increased damage to Crowd Controlled enemies.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Canny"

Class: Rogue, Spiritborn

For every 5 Intelligence purchased within range, you deal X% increased Non-physical damage.

Additional Bonus: Non-Physical damage increases all the Non-Physical damage an enemy takes from you by X%, up to X%, for X seconds.

Legendary Bonus: Increase Non-Physical damage by X%.

Board 4: Sapping

Board 4: Sapping Glyphe Icon Menagerist Menagerist




Diablo 4 Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Paragon V2-4
2 3 1 4 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Sapping"

When you cast 3 Gorilla, Jaguar, Eagle, or Centipede skills with the same spirit in a row, restore X% of your Vigor and deal X% increased damage for X seconds.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Menagerist"

Class: Spiritborn

Grants X% bonus to all Magic nodes within range.

Additional Bonus: Dealing damage with your Gorilla, Jaguar, Eagle, or Centipede skills increases all damage you deal by X% for X seconds, stacking once per spirit.

Legendary Bonus: Increase Incarnate skills damage by X%.

Board 5: Convergence

Board 5: Convergence Glyphe Icon Spirit Spirit




Diablo 4 Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Paragon V2-5
2 3 1 4 5

Icon Paragon Talent

Legendary Node "Convergence"

You deal bonus damage equal to X% of your 2 highest bonuses to damage types combined, up to X% total.

Icon Paragon Talent

Rare Glyph "Spirit"

Class: Spiritborn

For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal X% increased Critical Strike Damage.

Additional Bonus: Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes increase the damage an enemy takes from you by X% for X seconds, up to X%.

Legendary Bonus: Increase damage to Elites by X%.


Mercenaries for the Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Build


Skilltree Raheir
Icon Valiance


When you would be damaged for at least X of your current Life at once, Raheir comes to your aid to negate the damage, Knock Down Close enemies for X seconds, and grant you Unstoppable for X seconds.

Icon Shield Charge

Shield Charge

Raheir rushes forward aggressively, dealing X% Physical damage and Taunting nearby enemies for X seconds. Selecting a Mercenary Core Skill alters their wielded Weapon and Basic Attack.
Weapon: Tower Shield
Basic Attack: Shield Bash
Raheir bashes enemies with a tower shield, dealing X% Physical damage and Fortifying you for X% of your Maximum Life.

Icon Raheir's Guard

Raheir's Guard

Raheir grants you X% Armor.

Icon Vanguard


Raheir Slows surrounding enemies by X%.

Icon Ground Slam

Ground Slam

Raheir brutalizes the ground, dealing X% Physical damage and Slowing enemies by X% for X seconds. Targets in the center of the slam are Slowed by X% instead.

Icon Raheir's Aegis

Raheir's Aegis

Raheir grants you X% Resistance to All Elements.

Icon Draw Fire

Draw Fire

When you use a Healing Potion, Raheir Taunts enemies around him for X seconds. Can only occur once every X seconds.

Icon Provoke


Raheir Taunts enemies around you for X seconds. You gain X% Damage Reduction for each target, up to X%.

Icon Mocking Lure

Mocking Lure

You deal X% increased damage to enemies Taunted by Raheir.

Icon Iron Wolf's Ward

Iron Wolf's Ward

When Raheir's Valiance is triggered, he Knocks Back Close enemies and Taunts Distant enemies for X seconds. Raheir's Valiance Cooldown is reduced by X%.

Icon Crater


Raheir strikes the ground 3 times, each burst dealing X% Physical damage and Pulling In enemies. The final burst additionally deals X Physical damage and Stuns enemies for X seconds.

Icon Iron Wolf's Call

Iron Wolf's Call

When Raheir's Valiance is triggered, your next X Core Skills within X seconds deal X% increased damage and cost no Resource. Raheir's Valiance Cooldown is reduced by X%.

Icon Sundering Shield

Sundering Shield

Raheir's final Crater burst inflicts Vulnerable on enemies for X seconds.

Icon Bastion


Raheir takes a protective position for X seconds, redirecting X% of the damage that would be dealt to surrounding allies to himself for X seconds. Bastion's initial cast also grants surrounding allies Unstoppable for X second.

Icon Inspiration


Enemies affected by Raheir's Ground Slam take X% increased damage. Allies affected by Raheir's Bastion deal X% increased damage.

Icon Iron Wolf's Virtue

Iron Wolf's Virtue

When Raheir's Valiance is triggered, he Heals you for X% of your Maximum Life. Raheir's Valiance Cooldown is reduced by X%.

Icon Shield Throw

Shield Throw

Raheir throws his shield, dealing X% Physical damage and Taunting enemies for X seconds. The shield bounces up to X times and cannot bounce to the same target twice.

Icon Iron Wolf's Arrival

Iron Wolf's Arrival

When Raheir's Valiance is triggered, he also casts Ground Slam and Shield Throw. Raheir's Valiance's Cooldown is reduced by X%.

Icon Consecrated Shield

Consecrated Shield

Raheir's Shield Throw Consecrates enemies for X seconds. Directly damaging a Consecrated enemy Heals you for X% of your Maximum Life, once per target.


Mercenary Reinforcement



Mercenary Trigger


Quill Volley

Video Showcase

Video Showcase for the Quill Volley Spiritborn Endgame Build



  • 10/20/24 – Essential & final Paragon boards updated
  • 10/20/24 – Fully optimized for high Pits and maximum damage
  • 10/15/24 – Small optimizations for the final Paragon boards 1-5
  • 10/13/24 – Added barrier generation to boots (tempering)
  • 10/11/24 – Paragon boards 1-3 changed
  • 10/10/24 – Skill tree changed + Paragon boards 4+5 changed
  • 09/29/24 – Optimized for Vessel of Hatred (Season 6)